Genesis 5
“Genealogies demonstrate God’s sovereignty through real human beings”
Genesis 5
“Genealogies demonstrate God’s sovereignty through real human beings”
Genesis 4:17 - 26
Through the sin and consequences of Adam and Cain, God remains faithful to his promises.
Genesis 4:1-16
“We must heed God’s warning about the dangers or sin or we will reap the consequences.”
Ephesians 4:1-16
God wants us to walk worthy of our calling, work together, and wait upon Him.
Genesis 3:8-24
“The fall of Adam and Eve demonstrates that the heart of sin is the desire to usurp God’s authority and order.”
Genesis 2:4-25
Genesis 2:1-3
Genesis 1: 26-31
The culmination of God’s creative work is the Creation of man in his image to rule over his creation.