Genesis 3:8-24
The Fall
“The fall of Adam and Eve demonstrates that the heart of sin is the desire to usurp God’s authority and order.”
God's Rulers
Genesis 2:4-25
Genesis 2:1-3
Psalm 2
The Image of God
Genesis 1: 26-31
The culmination of God’s creative work is the Creation of man in his image to rule over his creation.
And it Was Good (Part 2)
“The creation of the earth demonstrates an ordered and good God who rules over all.”
And it Was Good (Part 1) Days 1-3
Genesis 1: 3-25
Days 1-3 God forms the earth.
The Creation of the earth demonstrates an ordered and good God who rules over all.
In The Beginning
Genesis 1: 1-2
The eternal God creates from nothing demonstrating his ownership of all.
Christ Above All
Colossians 4: 7-18
Having partners in the Gospel reminds us that God is at work everywhere!